All kiosk transactions of SBI are bio-metrically secured, so you can provide your customers with printed receipts. You can provide each transaction to your customers and can have the end-to-end procedure of account opening as well as online transactions. As Bank Mitra BC is the most trusted BC of the State Bank of India, you can rest guaranteed that you would surely get an opportunity to become a Bank Mitra of SBI.
Bank Mitra BC helps its SBI Customer Service Points with many bright earning opportunities by carrying out banking transactions in support of the bank. Thus, you will also be capable of earning a civilized and lucrative income legally through your SBI Kiosk Banking outlet and raise your bottom line easily. The State Bank of India has instigated a new Self Service known as an Account opening kiosk with a debit card distributing kiosk.
Offering SBI kiosk banking services to the people in your area by working under Bank Mitra BC will fetch you more customers. You can help various classes of people to open a savings account in SBI for those who are unable to open an account due to a lack of a permanent address, identity proof, etc., at your kiosk outlet. Thus, you will be capable of resolving their account opening issues and facilitating them to save their money in a safe place.
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