Wednesday, 16 December 2020

The Kiosk Banking is the New Reform Introduced in the Banking Sector

The Indian government in tandem with the RBI has been implementing plenty of reforms in the banking sector. There have been plenty of announcements of late, but the focus of all has been on developments related to kiosk banking. It is via this arrangement the government intends to reach out with formal banking services to the hinterland areas. It is important to channelize rural savings and bring it into the formal economy. This format of banking serves just this purpose.

This concept also helps to generate employment

It is via Kiosk Banking the government also looks to generate employment at the rural level. It is a Bank Mitra who is in charge of the operations at the kiosk point and the guidelines clearly state that only unemployed but educated youths will be eligible to apply for this post. Hence, if you are searching for employment close to the village level, this is a viable alternative.

How do you apply?

This concept is also known as the CSP Bank to the rural population because the operations are centered on the customer service point.  However, before applying for a Bank Mitra post, one needs to arrange for this space. It could be your property and there is also the option of renting it. It is alongside one may have to obtain a NOC from the local police station. You will be handling public money and hence the bank sanctioning your application will be eager to check out that the Bank Mitra should not have a criminal record.

An insight into the functioning

The CSP bank performs similar operations to a nationalized bank but on a much smaller scale. People can open accounts and deposit, withdraw money. There is also the scope to place the order for cheque books. A CSP location can also sell insurance policies for LIC and even offer customers pension plans to survive at old age. These are some of the schemes, which you can offer beyond core banking and you can even recharge prepaid mobile phones. There is plenty of scope for earnings and this is a lucrative career option for the unemployed village youth.